crossWelcome to the website of the Holy Archangels Greek Orthodox Monastery! The blessing of the Lord and His Holy Mother, and the protection of the Holy Archangels be upon you!

The website is designed as a humble offering to help pilgrims, friends, inquirers and neighbors understand who we are, learn about our history, view updates and images from our many construction projects, and much more. Additionally, the site contains a variety of photographs from 1996 to the present, providing a visual testimony to the work of God that has taken place.

We are honored to be located in the Texas Hill Country and to provide a place of solace in these troubling times. Since our founding in 1996, we have provided hospitality to many pilgrims, prayers for countless souls, living and departed, and most importantly a place for men to come and devote their lives to Christ in the holy path of Orthodox monasticism.

May the intercessions of the Holy Archangels be with you!

Archimandrite Dositheos



Our Monastery

Holy Archangels Greek Orthodox Monastery is a cenobitic men’s monastery under the Metropolis of Denver. With the blessings of His Eminence Metropolitan Isaiah, the monastery was founded by Elder Ephraim in 1996. The monastery resides in Kendalia, north of San Antonio and west of Austin, located in the heart of Texas.

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Our Metropolitan

Metropolitan Constantine was born in 1966 in Baltimore, Maryland. He is the son of the late Petros (a refugee from Asia Minor born in Athens) and Sarah (of Mobile, Alabama), and is the youngest of three children.

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Affiliated Monasteries

Holy Archangels is under the spiritual direction of Elder Ephraim, former abbot of Philotheou Monastery on Mount Athos, spiritual guide of several monasteries on Mount Athos and Greece, and the founder of numerous monasteries in the United States. He resides in Arizona at St. Anthony’s Greek Orthodox Monastery.

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Our Winery

Holy Archangels Monastery, located in Kendalia, Texas, produces wine from many varietals of the best grapes grown sustainably in the Napa and Sonoma AVAs. The attention to detail and passion to produce wine coupled with our desire to bring more variety to the Texas Hill Country is a driving force behind the pleasantly palatable vintages we produce.

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Metropolitan Isaiah

Metropolitan Isaiah is a native of Portsmouth, NH. He is one of four children born to Dennis and Mary (Kapsimalis) Chronopoulos, who had emigrated to the US from Olympia, Greece. After his primary and high school education, he served with distinction in the US Marine Corps during the Korean conflict.

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“Monasteries are satellites connecting Earth to Heaven” -Metropolitan Isaiah



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“Christ is the light for Angels, Angels are a light for monks and the monks are a light for all men.” – St. John Climacus



The Schedule


Pilgrims gathering in the Katholikon for prayer.

Let not one think, my fellow Christian, that only priests and monks need to pray without ceasing and not laymen No, no; every Christian without exception ought to dwell always in prayer.

+ St. Gregory of Palamas

Please Note:  Presanctified Liturgy is cancelled Wednesday, March 19.

Weekly Lenten Schedule (March 3 – April 11, 2025)

Please click here for a pdf version of the schedule.

Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday

7:30 am – Hours with Daily Vespers 
6:00 pm – Great Compline


7:30 am – Hours with Presanctified Liturgy
6:00 pm – Great Compline


7:30 am – Hours with Presanctified Liturgy
6:00 pm – Salutations with Small Compline


7:30 am – Hours with Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom
6:00 pm – Great Vespers
7:30 pm – Small Compline


7:30 am – Orthros with Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great
6:00 pm – Lenten Vespers
7:30 pm – Small Compline 

Special Services and Notes

+ During the 1st Week, March 3-7, the monastery will be closed to visitors, i.e., hospitality, bookstore, other than for the divine services.
+ Soul Saturday dates are February 22, March 15, 22, 29 & June 7.
+ Monday, March 24 @ 6pm: Great Vespers for Annunciation
+ Tuesday, March 25 @ 7:30am: Orthros & Divine Liturgy for Annunciation
+ Wednesday, April 2 @ 6 pm: The Great Canon will be chanted with Small Compline.
+Thursday, April 3 @ 7:30am: Presanctified Liturgy for the Great Canon

Schedule is subject to change.

Holy Week Schedule (April 27-May 5, 2024)

Please click here for a pdf version of the schedule.

Lazarus Saturday

7:30 am –  Orthros and Divine Liturgy
6:00 pm –  Great Vespers for Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

7:30 am – Orthros and Divine Liturgy
5:00 pm – Vespers
6:00 pm – Nymphios Orthros

Holy and Great Monday and Tuesday

7:30 am – Hours with Presanctified Liturgy
6:00 pm – Nymphios Orthros

Holy and Great Wednesday

7:30 am – Hours with Presanctified Liturgy
4:30 pm – Mystical Supper Orthros
6:30 pm – Holy Unction Service (Efheleon)

Holy and Great Thursday

8:00 am – Hours with Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great
6:00 pm – 12 Gospels Orthros

Holy and Great Friday

8:00 am – Great and Royal Hours
3:00 pm – Unnailing Vespers (Apokathilosis)
6:00 pm – Lamentations Orthros (Engomia)

Holy and Great Saturday

8:00 am – Hours with Vesperal Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great (First Resurrection)
11:00 pm – Anastasis – Pascha, Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Pascha – Resurrection

6:00 pm – Agape Vespers

Schedule is subject to change.

*Please note* Monastery gates close at sunset.


The Rules of the Monastery

Kindly read the following Rules, by virtue of which we may offer hospitality.

  • This is a Holy Monastery of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a place of prayer, repentance and redemption for those leading a monastic life and for pious pilgrims.
  • Visiting hours normally include daytime hours and the daily service times.
  • If you wish to enter the holy grounds, you should be dressed appropriately.
  • Ladies are asked to modestly dress with loose fitting, non see-through clothing. The skirt or dress (no pants) should fall well below the knees. The shirt or blouse should be long sleeved and buttoned up (no v-necks), and a scarf is required as a head covering (no hats). Socks or hose and shoes must be worn at all times.
  • Men are asked to wear long pants and long sleeved shirts, socks and shoes.
  • As this holy monastery encompasses a large acreage, pilgrims must have permission before taking walks or hikes.
  • You should remember that the consecration of this holy place does not allow for impropriety or disgraceful behavior. Loud conversation, insolent chatter, unrestrained laughter, and rude gestures are out of place here.
  • Although young children are more than welcome to visit the monastery, parents are strictly responsible for their behavior, supervision and control, and should not allow them to roam freely.
  • No smoking, hunting or fishing within the holy grounds is permitted.
  • Firearms are strictly forbidden.

We trust in your good intent to adhere to the rules set above, within the precincts of the spiritual garden of the Holy Archangels.

Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it. – Hebrews 13:2


Construction, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

HAM-58The fathers of the monastery have embarked on many construction projects for the glory of God since 1996.  The first project converted a small farm building into the Chapel of the Glykophilousa Icon of the Mother of God. The fathers are very grateful to Armando Bravo and his firm AGB for the beautiful work on the chapel as well as their loving restoration work to the old German farm house, originally constructed in 1904, which serves as the current Bishop’s quarters.

For additional construction projects, please see our timeline below.


The Property

In July of 1996, the Fathers purchased and began converting the 140 acre and abandoned Muslim property into a Greek Orthodox Christian monastery.
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The Katholikon

In May of 1997 work began on the Katholikon [main church]. The grand opening of the Katholikon took place in November of 1998 with the former Archbishop Spyridon dedicating it and serving the first Divine Liturgy.
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The Trapeza

At the end of 1998, the monks began construction of the trapeza [dining hall], where monks and pilgrims gather for food and fellowship.
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The Monk's Kellia

In 2002, work began on what will be the monks’ kellia [dormitories], complete with a library, infirmary, offices, archondariki [guest reception room], bookstore, and other facilities.
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Who maketh his angels spirits; his ministers a flaming fire. – Psalm 104:4


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Donation Total: $500.00 One Time

“Fear of torment is the way of a slave, desire of reward in the heavenly kingdom is the way of a hireling, but God’s way is that of a son, through love.” – St. Nicodemos of the Holy Mountain


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    Contact Info

    Holy Archangels
    PO Box 422
    Kendalia, TX 78027

    2191 Twin Sisters Dr.,
    Spring Branch, TX 78070
